BES Insights on School Impact - NWEA MAP Top 5 in Reading Achievement
At BES, we believe an excellent school uses rigorous, culturally relevant curriculum, and leverages assessment data to inform instruction, leading students to master critical habits, skills, and content. MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing is one way schools are able to track where students are academically and assess the best strategies moving forward to ensure growth and success. MAP is a trusted assessment for measuring growth in K-12 areas including reading and math, and it is implemented in more than 35,900 schools around the world through the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA), a division of learning technology company HMH. MAP is nationally normed and tracks student progress throughout the current school year as well as across years.
Today, we take a moment to celebrate the highest performing of the 75 Fellow-founded schools who took the MAP reading assessment in the 2023-24 school year. These schools–spanning geographies, grades, and tenure–continue to prove what is possible for our children across the country.
Top 5 Achievement in Reading
% of students who scored in the 50th percentile or higher on the Spring 2024 assessment.
Resurgence Hall Charter School- 75%
Springfield Preparatory Charter School – 70%
Houston Classical Charter School – 59%
Alpha: Cornerstone Academy Preparatory – 58%
Forte Preparatory Academy Charter School – 55%
Read on to learn more about Resurgence Hall’s performance on the national level!