Get all the information you need here.


Our Phoenix Families can access all the information they need in our Phoenix Family Portal. Whether looking for the school calendar, lunch menu, aftercare program information, or wrap around resources, this one stop shop has everything you need! Please check back often, as we update the portal throughout the year.


Use these apps and websites to support your Phoenix Scholar!


DeansList offers a Family Portal so that parents and guardians can see their scholar’s daily progress and RISE Value points (RHPA), and merit totals (RHMA).

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Family members can access DeansList by:

  • Going to and clicking “Parents & Guardians”

  • Downloading the “DeansList for Families” app. Click “Register” and “Parents & Guardians”

You will receive an invitation via email with your scholar’s specific access code.

CANVAS Middle Academy classwork assignments, instructional materials, and all daily HW are on the CANVAS platform.

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Classwork assignments, instructional materials, and all daily homework login information will be shared and completed digitally via Canvas for all Middle Academy courses. While some assignments will be completed on paper, scholars will use Canvas to access most curricular materials. Each content teacher will post weekly announcements sharing the current week’s learning objectives and homework for their course. Your scholar’s Canvas login information is the same as their gMail login.

Families can make an Observer account to see all of their scholar’s course content by following these steps.

Illuminate Families can monitor their scholars' grades using the Family Portal using the Access Code provided by their college room or advisory teacher. 

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Scholars access digital assignments and our internal assessments on Illuminate using a “quick code” specific to the assignment. Families can monitor their scholars' grades using the Family Portal using the Access Code provided by their college room or advisory teacher. 

Families can access the Family Portal using these steps.

Clever allows students to Quickly access digital applications used for grade-level academic programming.

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Many of the digital applications used for grade-level academic programming include Typing Club, Freckle, Zearn, Accelerated Reader, Hello World Computer Science, and Math IXL. Your scholar can access Clever using the QR badge provided by their college room teacher or their school-issued email address.

Sports Connect is the online home of our athletics department. Families can access information about their athlete's practice and game schedules, make uniform payments, and communicate with their coach. 

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Athlete families will receive an invitation to create a Sports Connect account once their season begins. 

Procare offers families with scholars who participate in Aftercare a quick and easy way to set up automatic payments. 

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Aftercare families will be invited to create their own Procare account, where they can pay for their scholar's aftercare program and monitor their scholars' check-in and check-out on a daily basis.